Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Moving TFS Build Server from Single instance to Multiple Servers

I have moved our Build server from a single installation to a 2 server installation.  When putting together the new Build server, I used my own domain account, since I did not have access to the TFSService account. My thought was that I could work on setting up the system, then once I would get the correct userid/password, I could easily swapped that for my account...


I set the environment, and submitted a build type successful. Had a little issue with the directories permissions, but once I get that worked out, everything was building fine.  Then, I got the correct domain account, and I went and change the Team Build Service to run under this domain account.

I got this error:

error MSB4018: The "CreateWorkspaceTask" task failed unexpectedly.

Here is the description for that error:


C:\Program Files\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v8.0\TeamBuild\Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.targets(306,5):

error : The working folder c:\TFS_Builds\Builds\Sample\awing_test2\Sources is already in use by another workspace on this computer.
error MSB4018: The "CreateWorkspaceTask" task failed unexpectedly.
error MSB4018: Microsoft.TeamFoundation.VersionControl.Client.WorkingFolderInUseException:
The working folder c:\TFS_Builds\Builds\Sample\awing_test2\Sources is already in use by another workspace on this computer. ---> System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: The working folder c:\TFS_Builds\Builds\Sample\awing_test2\Sources is already in use by another workspace on this computer.

From the studio client machine, I was testing some of the builds.  Well, part of the script is to build a workspace on my behalf on that machine. Since it was running under my domain account, when I switch the services to run under the TFSService account, it was encountering a duplicate error.


The solution for this error is to remove the workspace entry from the client machine, and not the build server machine.  This solved my issue and I was able to submit build types correctly.

Friday, September 05, 2008

BizTalk 2009 has been announced.!!

Sweet. The new version of BizTalk server has been announced.  I am so glad they dropped the BizTalk 2006 R3 name and went with the new BizTalk 2009.


Finally all of the OSLO technologies are starting to show up in the road map...

Read more on the Microsoft Site http://www.microsoft.com/biztalk/en/us/roadmap.aspx