One more year of an awesome event.
Jeff Blankenburg has started what seems like a great tradition: Poker night...! After the appreciation dinner, we were all invited to room 506 for a poker night. It was amazing that almost everyone went up to the suite to just hang out. There was an equally amount of people in there just watching than playing.
Hopefully, Jeff will remember to bring something *ELSE* for those of us that just want to hang out and don't play poker. [Xbox 360 / Wii ;). It was a different way of bringing together all of the masses to a room where we could talk. thanks Jeff.
Sessions that I attended:
- Mobile with Nino: I thought that the topic was very interesting; however, I think Nino was not all there. Maybe that trip to the MVP summit was too tiresome for him ;) His presentation was good, but I think he could have done a lot better. I could not attend his 2nd talk on Mobile development, but I heard it was very interesting as well...
- XML Capabilities in SQL with Jason was great. Learn a couple of things that I have added to my to-do task of things I want to try when I have some spare time.
- Soft Skills with Brian. What can I say, Brian delivered another thought provoking talk, good pointers in there. I am lining up for the swag-monkey position for next time. ;)
- Reliable messaging with WFC with James was good. WFC is one of those topics that are so vast, and James really nail down the point that he was trying to make. He lived up to his *twitter promise* and in fact it was a MUCH improved talk from last year.
- Agile Practices and TFS with the comrade was good. I like the way that he show the agile implementation by using a tool like TFS.
I had a blast at this day of .NET event. The new location was awesome. We all got to eat sitting at a table.!! (unlike last year's... ;)
Following last year's tradition, it was Monish time to oversleep. And HE did. I have never seen a Prius doing more than 70mph (or for that matter Monish driving THAT fast...;) One thing is that me and Alexei learned is that Monish does not know how to avoid things on the road. On the way to finding a Bob Evans for early breakfast, he hit a dead skunk.! Even thought we smell the dead skunk and saw the body over 100ft ahead.!!
Looking forward next year's when it will be Alexei's turn to drive... ;)