Tuesday, April 01, 2008

ReSharper 4.0 upgrade

I am taking the plunge and going for the EAP nightly builds of ReSharper.  Since I have started using Visual Studio 2008, and it is REALLY annoying having to disable ReSharper everytime I want to do any work on it. Plus Harman talks so much about the new features and how they are very stable. So if HE uses it, why not me. ;)

So far, I have an un-easy feeling about this and the message does not provide any comfort...image

Hope that QSI Management hurries up and approved that PO to buy us personal licenses of ReSharper before I run out of trial days.

Here is what happened to my v.3.1 License: License to version 3.x is not acceptable since issued before 12/21/2007.


30-days trial vs Full license... argghhh..



let's see what happens after 30-days.!


1 comment:

Jon Kruger said...

The collective groan you hear coming from Dublin is the sound of all of my teammates complaining about Visual Studio crashing with they compile, search in files, and other numerous everyday tasks. They haven't given up on it yet though.